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is what
FatCat is all about

Enjoy the flexibility of remote work and the benefits of a full-time role, with the opportunity to learn new technologies and advance.

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Trusted by leading brands:
Uroš Đurović

Lana Ilić

Working at FatCat Coders has been a remarkable journey. I've come a long way in my professional growth, side by side with exceptional engineers who inspire me daily. It’s a place where I’m not afraid to fail, learn, and embrace new challenges.

Why Choose FatCat?

At FatCat Coders, we believe in combining the best of both worlds – freelance work's flexibility with a full-time job's benefits. You are at the right place if you are looking for work-life balance and a supportive team.

Flexibility in Your Hands

Enjoy the autonomy over where and when you work. We trust you to manage your time effectively, considering both your project responsibilities and your role within the company.

Uninterrupted Growth and Learning

If you ever find yourself at a learning standstill, we provide seamless opportunities to explore different technology stacks and take on new roles and projects, you just have to ask.

Colleagues You Need to Excel

Work with colleagues who are just as eager to share their knowledge as they are to learn from you. With a team that's got your back, it's easy to be creative and introduce innovative ideas.

What We Stand For?

the status quo

Don’t wait for the things to happen, step up! Be proactive and innovative.

We win

Alone we go faster, but as a team, we go further.


Never settle for “good enough” when you know you can do better.

things done

Own it and take responsibility for what you do. If something is broken, fix it.

About us

We don't speak for our employees, but they speak for us

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Uroš Đurović

Uroš Đurović

What I expected from FatCat was already hinted at in its name. I was greeted by a playful team of intelligent cats, always eager to discover, help, and have fun. Expect challenging tasks and lots of learning — all leading to your professional growth. :)
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Perks & Benefits

Six hour net working day

Quality over quantity. FatCat gives you the opportunity to be productive and have enough time to rest in the process.

Flexible hours and location

FatCat gives you the time and flexibility to work at your best. Our cozy office or work from home - the choice is yours.

Learning & development time

As long as you strive to improve yourself, we’re happy to help you grow. You`ll get learning time off and any courses you need.

Private health insurance

Your health is important, which is why we provide private medical insurance to our employees and their family members.

Employee events

Apart from regular work, our employees know how to have fun. Join us for a game of billiard or an exciting chess duel!

FatCat extras

There are additional perks you will love, such as a monthly home-office budget, a pet-friendly office and much more.

Our Recruitment Process - What To Expect

Prescreening questionnaire

You’ll receive a questionnaire that helps us learn more about your experience and salary expectations.

A role-related task

A role-related task that you will have to complete so that we can assess your skills and knowledge.

HR interview

In this call, we will answer all of your questions regarding the company and determine if we are a good match.

Tech interview

An interview to discuss your task solution and learn more about your technical and team experiences.

Interview with our Chief Cat

A friendly chat with the CEO to confirm that you are the right fit for the company culture.

Some of the selection steps may differ or deviate, depending on the position you are applying for.

Behind our FatCat alter egos are the people who drive everything

Photo of Milica Rikić: IT Recruiter

Milica Rikić

IT Recruiter

Photo of Veronika Jurić: Product Manager

Veronika Jurić

Product Manager

Photo of David Vujić: QA Engineer

David Vujić

QA Engineer

Photo of Zoran Lazić: CEO

Zoran Lazić


Photo of Nemanja Vujić: Technical Project Lead

Nemanja Vujić

Technical Project Lead

Photo of Arslan Dučić: Project Manager

Arslan Dučić

Project Manager

Photo of Katarina Jurić: IT Recruiter

Katarina Jurić

IT Recruiter

Photo of Branislav Totić: Technical Lead

Branislav Totić

Technical Lead


All the A’s for your Q’s

Hi there, my name is Katarina and I’m the People Manager at FatCat Coders. Since I've been here quite a while, I gather and answer the most common questions about FatCat Coders.

Yes, FatCat Coders supports remote work for many of our roles. We believe in flexibility and choosing work environments that enable our team to perform at their best. Specific arrangements can vary by role and department.

The net working hours refer to a six-hour workday, amounting to 30 productive hours during a typical workweek. Breaks are not counted in six working hours, but employees can have as many breaks during the day. There's great flexibility in organizing work and breaks, allowing for a variety of schedules that accommodate personal needs and preferences. We accommodate the productive time according to the tools and software necessary for your role.

We use a time-tracking tool that measures time spent on certain applications and websites. If these are work-related (e.g., Slack, Google Meet, emails, blogs, etc.), the time counts as productive hours; otherwise, it's considered unproductive. We do not record the person or take screenshots. Employees can check all productive and non-productive hours at any time within the application.

During breaks, you can choose whether to turn it off or not (the app will track extended computer inactivity and won't count those hours as productive). Importantly, there's no need for daily reports or logging of what work was done.

The app can track time on all the applications and tools necessary for our work. Additionally, anyone can propose additional sites and tools to be added and tracked for productivity.

It's rare for anyone to forget to turn on the app as it quickly becomes a routine. However, if it occurs or if you have a meeting in the office, you can manually enter that time. Simply log the date and time you want to count as productive in the app, and it will be approved by your Manager.

If, for any reason, an employee has fewer project responsibilities and more free time, we expect them to communicate this to their People Manager and Tech Lead. This is important because other colleagues may need assistance, or the employee can use this time for training and development, or even for rest.

Our official working hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and this is the time when most of our colleagues will be online. However, we have the freedom to organize our work schedule according to our personal needs. One day, an employee can work four hours, and the next day they can work for eight hours, as long as they have 132* productive hours by the end of the month.

*Hours may vary depending on the month's working days.

Working at FatCat is unique and we recognize the way we work at the moment is not for everyone. To succeed and advance at FatCat, it's essential to be proactive and take ownership. You might find work here challenging if you are not:

  • Used to challenging projects - our staff from the first week is taking on important tasks and they start working on projects. Our vetting period is incorporated with real work, there are no testing\vetting tasks. There is more responsibility to it, but also a great chance to study.

  • Willing to learn - as a small company, we have changes regarding responsibilities and scope of work. With the aim that our people should always develop and grow, it is also highly encouraged that you are constantly learning.

  • Ready to give up repetitive tasks - many companies require you to achieve certain KPIs and help your company to grow in that way. Once employees achieve a certain level of expertise in one field we give our best to give them tasks that are more challenging for them.

  • Like responsibility - flexibility is a benefit at FatCat Coders. However, it is also a responsibility. If you are not comfortable with owning your responsibilities, and having the freedom to organize your time to fulfill them – then FCC is not a great option for you. 

  • Agile, but for real- Being a very creative, driven organization, it’s not uncommon to find decisions and minds being changed on projects, strategy and other work in favor of new ideas or better solutions.

  • Taking initiative and hiding behind metrics - it is expected to fulfill certain expectations, but we are encouraging you to go beyond them. We do not prefer people who are only focused on fulfilling the set goals, but the ones who challenge them and are to give their own initiatives. 

  • Comfortable with transparency and feedback - we want all our employees to have honest feedback that can be useful for their personal career development. In our performance reviews and performance plans, we tend to be rather honest (and useful for both hard and soft-skill development ) and that is what we expect from you. No sugarcoating!

  • Good with startup atmosphere, and you prefer corporate environment – FatCat Coders do not have strict rules or clear policies on certain topics, as is common in most of the big corporations. Our team members collaborate on daily level, and our teams collaborate with each other as well. We cherish cooperation, friendliness and direct communication with each other. 

  • What do you do if there is no project?

If there’s a period with no projects employees will switch to the internal FatCat projects. In case of less intensive work, it’s expected that employees communicate this, since help might be needed elsewhere, or it could be an opportunity for education, or even rest. It’s essential to keep the Tech Lead or People Manager informed about the decrease in workload.

The developers at FatCat are all proficient in JavaScript, and the majority are FullStacks as well. We use React, ReactNative, Nodejs, Next.js,  Nest.js, AWS, Postgres, MongoDB, Docker, Contentful, Redis, GraphQL, Terraform, etc.